Request full funding for 211 in Senate budget
Senate Proposal Cuts 211 Funding at a Critical Time
The Senate has released their proposed state budget for the 2023-25 biennium. We are deeply concerned about no additional funding for 211 and are even more concerned that the Senate is proposing a $1,000,000 cut. We are currently working with stakeholders to testify at the Senate budget hearing at 2 p.m. today.

Please lend your comment NOW on this proposal via the legislative website. Please TAKE ACTION and indicate your support for full funding of the 211 service.
Here is a message you can cut and paste for your comment:
Please FULLY Fund the Washington 211 network $10.38 million request to ensure that this historically critical and underfunded service meets our state’s crisis response system needs. 211 is a critical state resource that connects people in need of essential local and state supported services with live, in-person skilled assistance. A significant growth in call volume, impacted by the economic impacts of COVID-19, requires that Washington 211 significantly increase their capacity to support a stronger partnership with 988 and 911 to provide a comprehensive 24/7 state crisis response service.
Despite seeking additional funding for this biennium, the 211 system funding level in the Senate budget proposal cuts 211 by $1 million from the last biennium budget amount of $3 million. The Senate’s proposal only provides $2 million though 211 asked for $10.38 million for this next two-year cycle to meet current and expanded services. 211 desperately needs additional funding to play a critical role that our state’s residents require and deserve. It’s past time for the State to fund the true operating cost for a robust 211 system as it has for 911 and 988.