The clock is ticking…. 1 week left to submit your tax return to the IRS.
Tax returns are due Monday April 15th 2019, but don’t worry, there are still free ways to file your taxes.
Prepare yourself with MyFreeTaxes.com
The MyFreeTaxes.com partnership provides free state and federal tax preparation and filing assistance for qualified individuals. It’s easy, safe, secure and 100 percent free. MyFreeTaxes.com is free to use for individuals and families with combined income under $66,000 for 2018 income taxes. Tax filing software provided by H&R Block.
Get assistance in person
Would you rather have your taxes filed in-person by trained volunteers? Tax sites will be closing quickly. Visit the IRS Free Tax Preparation Locator and AARP Tax-Aide Locator for locations or call 2-1-1 and we can help you find free local tax preparation sites in your area.