2021 Annual Report – Another record breaking year for Washington 211!
Call volume continues to grow rapidly for the Washington 211 system as people seek reliable and timely information and assistance regarding housing, health care, food, and impending emergencies such as wildfires. While Washington 211 has been able to put its vast database at the fingertips of Internet users through its search.wa211.org tool, our system’s ability to provide personal, interactive assistance to those unsure how to get their needs met or even how to ask the right questions is making it possible for our social services network to reach more of the people who need it the most.
Here’s recent feedback shared by the Department of Health’s Communication Director Maranatha Hay with the team of Washington 211 centers that help handle the calls from the COVID-19 state hotline.
“I wanted to take a moment and recognize the hard work your team does day and in and day out. Our community having a direct line of communication when they are in need of assistance is so critical during this time, and developing the vast amount of background knowledge it takes to be able to help them in a timely way is not an easy feat whatsoever!”
Learn how relevant and accurate information provided at a time of need can make a difference in people’s lives. And how Washington 211 has been adapting during this protracted pandemic to serve the needs of Washington.