There are multiple programs to support unpaid family caregivers or people who do not have a caregiver but who live at home. At times, family caregivers could use some extra support to help them continue to care for their loved one. The Medicaid Alternative Care (MAC) and Tailored Supports for Older Adults (TSOA) programs are two new programs family caregivers or individuals without a caregiver may be interested in.
For MAC and TSOA, the person receiving care must be age 55 or older. The caregiver must be age 18 or older. Medicaid eligibility is not necessarily a requirement and there are potentially other programs available for people who do not qualify for MAC and/or TSOA.
To learn about these new DSHS programs read
Who might be interested / qualify:
- People who are looking for services for their loved one – including things like senior services, meal delivery, nursing home or adult family home options, home improvement
- People who are taking care of their loved one – a parent, spouse, sibling. They could be looking for respite care, adult day care, special medical equipment or supplies, modifications for their home like ramps and grab bars.
- People who need assistance but have no unpaid family caregiver.
For MAC and TSOA, the person receiving care must be age 55 or older. The caregiver must be age 18 or older. Medicaid eligibility is not necessarily a requirement and there are potentially other programs available for people who do not qualify for MAC and/or TSOA.
Potential services include:
- housekeeping and errands
- support groups and counseling
- specialized medical equipment or supplies
- respite care
- training opportunities
- adult day health or adult day care
- information about local caregiving resources
DSHS encourages people to go to a local office to find out more about different programs – there are a number of options and speaking with someone can help determine what makes the most sense for individual situations.
For more information:
Call Washington Community Living Connections at 855-567-0252 or go online to and go to the Connect section to find your local Community Living Connections or Area Agency on Aging office.